Saturday, June 10, 2017

Monday, May 29, 2017

Campus Carry: Should people be allowed to carry guns on campus?

Short answer: Yes.

Long answer:

My husband spent 10 years in active duty military as a cop and is now ANG & has trained me, who's never held a weapon before meeting him. I'm a good shot with no mental health problems. Anyone can be trained. As long as the state has high standards like SC, ND, etc for obtaining a permit I have no problem with it. Mandated gun safety & training hours (20-30) then a gun law/gun safety test then a shooting test where to pass you must have 85% accuracy from a 15ft distance target. (That the SC standard btw) Plus no one under 21 can carry. Also all 50 states should have mental health records included in the background check with no loopholes whatsoever. Students and teachers who are immature and dumb are not going to pass because they are going to say something dumb at their test or show off and get failed. These instructors are serious. There not DMV workers passing kids in driving tests. For these instructors, it's a lifestyle and they don't want dumb people carrying guns anymore than you do. Everyone imo should go to a gun range sometime and get some instruction. It's an eye opener. I cried the first time I shot because I was scared. I realized that was illogical. With training, I now see it as a tool. Carrying a gun is a lifestyle that takes commitment. People not committed will not pass these tests, will not be able to handle the responsibility, and will stop trying because at the end of the day they obviously don't care that much if they were serious about training/studying. People with bad intentions will always find guns. Carrying a gun doesn't turn you into a bad person. Well that's my take. What's yours? Let me know in the comments, and let's have a civilized discussion.